Blessed are the Hungry

“Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.” Luke 6:21 KJV

“Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.” Luke‬ ‭6:21‬ ‭ESV‬‬

One of my young sons is always hungry. It is currently 6:29 am and he has tried twice to get cereal. I’ve tried to curb this hunger off until at least 7:00am so he can get more sleep, but to no avail. He wakes up and says,”I’m soooo hungry.” The fact that he like sweet things much more than meat things is probably the root of this hunger, and there in lies the message. The power of hungry.

Our world does a really good job at trying to keep us “full.” We consume media, we shop til we drop, we visit “all you can eat buffets.” Yet, we still want more. This hunger is a God given human attribute. In the natural, it is given to humans to keep us filled with the important nutrients we need to survive. This hunger also applies to our spiritual nature. Gods ultimate desire is for us to desire Him. He yearns for us to have an insatiable desire for his presence. This was a perfect creation. He created a God sized hunger inside of us and before sin entered the world, God was all that fulfilled that hunger.

But then sin. We consume that which does not satisfy. We search for things that do not sustain. We are distracted by moments of temporarily fulfillment, but still find ourselves hungry.

If we continue, in verse 25 it says “Woe to those who are full now, for you shall be hungry.” It is only when we empty ourselves, can he begin His perfect work. When we wake up in the morning yearning to be in His presence, when our minds are consumed with the next moment we can steal away with Him. Then in those moments we will be truly satisfied. When we fill our God sized appetite with godly things we can truly be satisfied.

It is the simple lesson I am trying to teach my son, and grasp myself. More protein, less sugar. More real food, less substitutes. More Jesus, less everything else.

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