One thing is necessary

“But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke‬ ‭10:40-42‬ ‭ESV‬‬

So many things in our world vie for our attention. Some things scream louder and inevitably distract us. I had a daycare and at times I was caring for 12 children. The old saying is true. “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Many times I start out to do a particular task, while I end up doing five other things before finishing my original task.

The scripture text tells us of two sisters. It states that Martha was distracted with much serving. She wasn’t being lazy or neglecting her duties. She was busy. Busy preparing her home. Busy preparing the food. Probably taking care of the needs of all the “squeaky wheels.” Then she noticed Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. Mary was soaking in every word he spoke. Soaking in the mere presence of the King. All while Martha was busy. I can imagine Martha in a stained apron, wiping sweat off of her brow and looking across the room. As she gazed around the room she see’s Mary. I love how close she must have been with Jesus in order to tattle on her sister. “Tell her to help me!!!” She stated in her tired despair. “Martha, Martha, Jesus says, “One thing is necessary.”

Today, in the quiet of the morning. Before all the distractions of the day I can hear his voice. “Bethany, Bethany…one thing is necessary.”

Do not be tempted into neglecting the one thing that is necessary today. Sit at his feet. Allow his presence to fill you and surround you. When we take time to listen to his voice and surround ourselves with him all the other distractions will be put in their proper place.

Lord, help me to focus on you in this noisy world. Help me to lay aside all the things that simply keep me busy and do what is necessary.

Digging deeper… Luke 10:38-42, Acts 2:37-41 and Romans 12:2

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