New every morning

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations‬ ‭3:22-23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I have done Weight Watchers on and off now for more years than I care to admit. It really is a sustainable, healthy way to lose weight and to teach yourself moderation in eating. One of the things I love most about Weight Watchers is that you get a certain amount of points for each day and for the week. Everyday your dailies reset and once a week your weeklies also reset. If you have had a bad day or a bad week it is so encouraging to see those numbers back at have a fresh start.

In Lamentations the scriptures say that his mercies are new every morning. As I looked at my reset “points” for the week this scripture came to my mind. What a blessing it is that we do not have to carry the burden of past failures and mistakes. He is so faithful and every morning we can have a reset on the things that have been dragging us down. Whether it is a failing diet, marriage, relationship or faith each time we drop to our knees and surrender it can be a restart.

Don’t carry the weight of past failures and mistakes. He is faithful and powerful to forgive. Run to him, accept forgiveness and start over today. Don’t wait until tomorrow or “weigh in” day, start over right now. Today is your day, a clean slate, a full battery, a new chapter! What will your new day be filled with?

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