Back to the Basics

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I have not pasted the whole passage so if you are anything like me you may want to grab your Bible, highlighters, favorite pens and dig right in. Here are the bullets, the “how to be a Christian” basics that stood out to me…

1. Steadfast Love-loving when you get nothing in return. Loving when you do not see the fruit of your labor. Loving when you are unloved and even mistreated.

2. Faithfulness- when your tired, when you have spent all of yourself, when you feel you have nothing left to give.

3. Trust- when it’s scary, when it’s hard, when it’s scary ( not a typo ) trust is scary.

4. Humility- when you are right, when you have been wronged, when your way may be better

5. Honor- honoring God with what He has given you, because ALL good things come from Him

6. Sacrifice- giving of ourselves, our time, and our finances until it hurts-true sacrifice, otherwise is it truly a sacrifice?

7. Accept correction- learn from every situation, know that there are always places you can grow and always something new to learn

8. Seek wisdom- seek wise counsel in your life, it’s easy to listen to those who agree, and will join our pity parties, but what is needed is wisdom, godly wisdom

These are just a few of the gems that spoke to me today, other points may have jumped out at you. The benefit of these gems are also outlined. It says you will find favor with God AND man. It says there will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. It says when we honor God with our first-fruits our barns will be filled and our vats will be bursting. Who doesn’t want bursting vats!!!

Lord, help me get back to the basics! Help me empty myself of me so I can be filled, overflowing and bursting with things of you.

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