Hide and Seek

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”1 Peter‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬

My four year old thinks I am quite talented. He was in awe when he hid a cookie under the chair that I knew he had been eating one. “How did you know Mom??” he asks in utter amazement. My daily work is with children and it is almost comical when they get caught doing something because they lack the learned art of hiding. Sadly, as we grow we do learn that art and as humans are often tempted to hide things just as when we were children. We hide things we are ashamed of, we hide secrets that could get us in trouble, or hide aspects of ourselves that are unlike Christ.

As I thought about this tendency to hide things it reminded me of the game hide and seek. One person hides and another seeks. The Bible says Satan is a roaring lion “seeking” whom he may devour. The problem with hiding is that we seclude ourselves. That seclusion is exactly what the enemy desires. When we are secluded with our shame and guilt it puts us in a perfectly vulnerable place for attack. That place is the opposite of where God wants us. He wants us in the light. Forgiven. Filled with grace and covered with love. Instead, we hide and the enemy finds us. He does not whisper words of encouragement and redemption. He whispers words that are divisive, words that ultimately cause bitterness and more hurt.

Quit playing today. Come out of wherever or whatever you are hiding behind. Throw your hands up and say “I surrender!!” Fall into the arms of a loving Savior. Let him speak words of forgiveness. Let Him shower you with grace and love. Let him lead you into the light and begin to feel the forgiveness and love that only He can offer.

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